
The print is in good condition with vivid, well-preserved colors and no visible stains or halos. The surface is smooth, free of creases. No damages or repairs are observed.

Omiwa, a Jōruri and Kabuki drama character.
(Imoseyama no Omiwa , 妹背山のお三輪).

Omiwa is one of the main characters in the drama Imoseyama Onna Teikin (妹背山婦女庭訓), first performed in 1771.
The daughter of a sake merchant, she falls victim to a tragic fate marked by jealousy, manipulation, and political intrigue. Her role highlights the fragility of human nature, vulnerable to passion and deception.
The drama is also renowned for its innovative stage design, which, in modern Kabuki performances, utilizes the stage to simulate the Yoshino River.
The story culminates in the assassination of Soga no Iruka and the triumph of Fujiwara no Kamatari, thus laying the foundation for the Fujiwara clan`s dominance.


The print is in good condition with vivid, well-preserved colors and no visible stains or halos. The surface is smooth, free of creases. No damages or repairs are observed.

Series /
Author Hanabusa Hideki (花房英樹).
Size Dai ōban (大大判) 41,5cm x 28,6cm ( 16,33 x 11,25 inches).
Publisher /
Number /
Genre Bunraku-ga (文楽画), Ningyō Jōruri (人形浄瑠璃).
Period /
Trimmed No
Backed No
Code HBH01001