Author: Utagawa Hirosada (歌川広貞).
Subject: The kabuki actor Kataoka Gado (片岡我童) as Yasuda Tomoharu (安田友春).
Number: 1 (left one from a diptych).
Genre: yakusha-e (役者絵), kamigata-e (上方絵), ōkubi-e (大首絵)
Size: medium (chūban, 中判).
Publisher: Tsutakan (蔦勘).
Trimmed: no
Backed: no
Code: UHS01003

Condition: general conditions and color are generally good, but there is some stain on the surface and on the border. Two spot on the right black border and on the white frame (right top and center left) are slightly damaged and have been fixed. The print has not been backed nor trimmed.

This print belong to a diptych and it can be understood by the presence of the Japanese character shita「下」in the lower left side.
It portraies the actor Kataoka Gado II 二代目片岡我童) as Yasuda Tomoharu, a character from the Noh theatre drama Mochitsuki (望月).
Information about this version of the print are scarce. It actually doesn't show anywhere the sign of the artist, but having another identical print Hirosada's sign on the left side of the blue cartouche containing the character name it may be reasonable to consider this one an edition released soon after the first one.
A black seal on the lower left corner (蔦勘, Tsutakan) should suggest us the publisher name, different, however, from the one Hirosada used to work with, named Kinkadō (金華堂).