Author: Utagawa Hiroshige II (二代目広重).
Subject: Mount Matsuchi (Matsuchiyama, 真乳山).
Series: Forty eight famous views of Edo (Edo meisho yonjū hakkei, 江戸名所四十八景).
Number: 19/48.
Genre: meisho-e (名所絵), fūkei-ga (風景画).
Size: medium (chūban, 中判).
Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizō (蔦屋吉蔵), here as Tsutakichihan (蔦吉版).
Period: c. 1861.
Trimmed: yes
Backed: yes
Code: UGHII01001

Condition: the general condition is good. The color has not faded and is still clear and vivid. There are no remarkable stains or wrinkles. No fixing.

The myth says that Matsuchiyama raised itself from the earth during the reign of Empress Suiko (592–628), when a golden dragon descended upon it, bestowing its protection.
It hosts the Matsuchiyama Shoten Honryūin (待乳山聖天本龍院), which is part of the wider Sensōji temple in Tōkyō's Asakusa district.
It belongs to the Sho Kannon sect, which is a branch of Tendai Buddhism.
In 857, Jikaku Daishi Ennin, famous for having restored the Tendai Sect, spent a few nights in the temple during one of his pilgrimages, performing the Yokuyū (浴油), or oil-bath ritual, which is still performed today to fulfill believers' prayers.