Author: Toyohara Kunichika (豊原国周).
Subject: the kabuki actor Ichimura Kakitsu IV (四代目市村家橘) as Subashiri Okuma (洲走お熊).
Title: Reflection of good and evil reputation of a virgin (musume hyōban zenaku kagami, 処女評判善悪鏡).
Genre: yakusha-e (役者絵), butai sugata (舞台姿).
Size: large (ōban, 大判).
Publisher: Seibundō Masakichi (正文堂政吉).
Period: c. 1865.
Trimmed: yes
Backed: no
Code: TKC01005

Condition: very good condition. Good colors and saturation. Any remarkable stain. No wrinkles nor creases. No fixing.

The kabuki actor Ichimura Kakitsu IV playing as onnagata (女形) the female role of Subashiri Okuma.
She appears in the kabuki drama Musume Hyōban Zenaku Kagami as one of the "five women of the five waves" (shiranami gonin onna, 白波五人女), the female version of a group of thieves known as "the five men of the five waves" (shiragami gonin otoko, 白波五人男).
The play was written by Kawatake Mokuami (河竹黙阿弥) and performed for the first time in August 1865 at the Ichimura Za (市村座) of Edo.