Author: Toyohara Kunichika (豊原国周).
Subject 1: Onoe Kikujirō II(二代目尾上栄次郎) as Jirobei's Wife, Okisa.
Subject 2: Ichimura Uzaemon XIV (十四代目市村羽左衛門) as Tamaya Shinbei (玉屋新兵衛).
Play title: Asaki en giri no shiragami (浅縁義理柵).
Genre: yakusha-e (役者絵).
Size: large (ōban 大判).
Publisher: Kobayashi Tetsujirō (伊小林鉄次郎).
Period: c.1864.
Trimmed: no
Backed: no
Code: TKC01007

Condition: good condition. Good color and saturation with no fading. Any remarkable stain and no crease nor wrinkles. No fixing. No trimming. The print has not been backed.

Central print from a triptych. The kabuki actors Onoe Kikujirō II playing as Onnagata (female role) Jirobei's Wife, Okisa, and Ichimura Uzaemon XIV XIV as Tamaya Shinbei taken from a scene of the kabuki play "Asaki en giri no shiragami". The play was hold for the first time in 1864 at the Ichimura theater of Tōkyō.