Autor: Utagawa Kunisada (歌川国貞).
Title: Atarimono no uchi (当たりものノ内).
Series: A collection of popular drama (Fūryū jōruri shū, 風流浄瑠理集).
Genre: bijin-ga (美人画), mitate-e (見立絵).
Size: large (ōban, 大判).
Publisher: Itōya Yohei (伊藤屋与兵衛).
Period: c. 1818~1823.
Trimmed: no
Backed: no
Code: UKSI01003

Condition: the coloration is generally good and remains clear, though there is a slight fading in a few areas. There has been some restoration on the left border and the lower left corner. Minor stains and wrinkles are present due to aging, but these do not detract from the overall integrity of the print.

A beauty representative of the era possibly alludes to the Tomimoto jōruri school.
The prominent cherry blossom in the upper left corner, which matches the pattern on the woman`s violet garment, may serve as a nod to the Tomimoto (富本) family crest (kamon, 家紋).
Enclosed within is a set of three boxes, potentially referencing a jōruri drama titled 'Mushikago' (虫籠), or 'Insect Cage.'
Jōruri, also known as Japanese puppet theater, is a narrative musical art form where a lead performer, accompanied by a three-stringed lute called a shamisen (三味線), uses their voice to create the perfect ambiance for storytelling within the drama.