Author: Nishijima Katsuyuki (西嶋勝之).
Title: Rooves of Uda (宇陀の屋根).
Series number: 107/500.
Genre: meisho-e (名所絵).
Period: early 21st century.
Size: 43,5cm x 32cm (17,10 x 12,59 inches).
Trimmed: no
Backed: no
Code: NJK01008

Condition: the print is in good condition, featuring deep, clear colors with no evident creases, holes, or signs of repairs, and it is free from noticeable stains.

The print by Nishijima Katsuyuki (西島 勝之) depicts a serene and traditional Japanese streetscape in Uda (宇陀), near Nara (奈良), characterized by a row of old wooden buildings with sharply defined, dark blue-tiled roofs that contrast strikingly against a bright, calm sky.
Uda (宇多) is a city located in the northeast of Nara Prefecture (奈良県) known for its rich historical and natural heritage. One of the most famous places in Uda is Murōji (室生寺) Temple, situated at the foot of Mount Murō (Murōyama, 室生山). This temple is associated with the Dragon God and has been considered a place of worship since ancient times, serving as the main temple of the Murōji sect of Shingon (真言宗) Buddhism.
Believed to have been built in the 8th century, Murōji is renowned for its small yet impressive five-tiered pagoda, considered one of the smallest of its kind in Japan, and for its scenic beauty which attracts many visitors, especially during the cherry blossom season.
The perspective is drawn along the length of the street, leading the viewer's eye through the scene, which is rendered with a meticulous attention to architectural details. The overall ambiance evokes a sense of quiet and historical depth, typical of a well-preserved old town area in Japan.