Author: Utagawa Yoshitaki (歌川芳瀧)
Subject: The kabuki actors Nakamura Shibazō (中村芝蔵) as Matsuōmaru (松王丸) and Bandō Hikosaburō (坂東彦三郎) as Umeōmaru (梅王丸).
Genre: yakusha-e (役者絵), kamigata-e (上方絵), ōkubi-e (大首絵).
Size: medium (chūban, 中版).
Period: c. 1869.
Trimmed: No
Backed: No
Code: UYT01001

Condition: conditions are good. Colors are stll clear and vivid. No remarkable stains nor wrinkles. There is no damage on the print itself but on the top border two small fixed holes can be noticed. Mica painting has been applied on actors hair and garments so that when observed backlight they return a shining effect. The censor's seal in on the left side.

The actors Nakamura Shibazō and Bandō Hikosaburō playing the part of Matsuōmaru and Umeōmaru in a scene from the third act of the drama Sugawara and the secret of calligraphy (Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami [san no naka], 菅原伝授手習鑑 [三ノ中]), which along with the Kanadehon Chūshingura is one of the most popular drama in kabuki repertoire.
The drama takes inspiration from the life of Sugawara no Michizane (菅原道真), a court noble from the Heian era falsely accused of conspiracy, then exiled to Kyūshu.
Here the fictional triplet composed by Matsuōmaru, Umeōmaru and theirs brother Sakuramaru, play a major role of loyalty and service to Michizane.